
PR for Writers

How to PR & Market Your Documentary Film

The operator with a videocameraYou’ finished your documentary film.  You’re exhausted but excited.  The long hours and hard work paid off.  You have a finished project you’re proud to show.

So, now what?

If you set up a plan to target distributors and market your film to the public, you’re ahead of the game.

Start implementing your plan and keep in mind it’s a living document and one that needs to be able to shift and modify as you move forward.

If you don’t have a plan in place, create one now.

There are quite a few different approaches you can take.  Your main objective is to build bridges between your film, the media, the public, distributors, influencers, you various target markets, etc.

To start you want to make sure you:

1 Have a website.  It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but does have to have a good clean look.  You want it to convey the message and the feel of your film.  You also want it to showcase you as a filmmaker.

2 Create a blog.  This can be a great way to connect with the public and create a following.  Document the making of your documentary.  Share your triumphs and your trials.  Be transparent.  Create a compelling narrative.

3 Develop a social media presence. You don’t need to be on every social media platform, but you do want to pick two or three and consistently update them.  If you’re launching a PR campaign, be sure and post and highlight any media coverage that you garner.

4 Launch a public relations outreach for both you and your film.  This is the strongest way to establish your brand.  PR offers you the validation and credibility of being featured in the media.  Target media that covers the issues your film raises, but don’t simply think in narrow terms.  Try to broaden your media bull’s-eye as much as possible.  Think of the various stories you can pitch that have to do with your film, your journey as a film maker, your filmmaking process, etc.  What stories can you pitch to the large mainstream publications, what stories can you pitch to blogs, entertainment-oriented media, and trades?  Are there newsletters that would be appropriate to target?  If possible bring a professional on board to work with you who knows the media, has the contacts and has experience successfully placing stories in the press. You might find it difficult to get the type of coverage you need trying it on your own.

5 Create an impactful trailer that you can use as a pitch tape and calling card for potential distributors.

6 Make a list of all of the venues where you could possibly show your film.  Be creative.  Start with the obvious and then drill down.  Could your film be shown at schools or colleges?  Is there a tie-in with charities or foundations?  Could it be shown in churches?

7 Submit your film to appropriate film festivals.  And make a list of festivals that could be worth attending even if your film will not be screening.  Do some research.  The can be opportunities to meet with distributors, buyers, investors, influencers, media, etc.

8 Arrange a private press screening of your film.  This doesn’t have to be elaborate, but if you can arrange to premiere your film and make that an event.  If you showing at a festival, you can make that your premiere.  Otherwise look at four-walling a small theatre.  You can invite the media, distributors, influencers, investors and your target market.  It can help create a buzz and build awareness of you and your film.

The bottom line is that there is quite a lot you can and should do to make sure your documentary is given every chance that it needs to be successful.

Start now!

PR For Filmmakers



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