Know exactly what to do if they ask you the “wrong” questions.
Talk about your book in the “story-telling” mode that audiences love.
Deliver a terrific radio spot, even if you just have 4 minutes and 32 seconds.
Discover the top 3 secrets to a successful podcast.
“Give great TV” by making it 1) an audience experience and 2) ultra-visual
And finally…
Have fun with your editor or host and give great “edutainment”
The #1 secret to a top-notch interview: Help the media do their job.
Define your 3 most important points in any interview
Flexibility: discover story angles you didn’t know you had
The Segue: elegantly steer the interview to the point you want to make
Cliffhangers: create a terrific interview for radio or TV
Discover your 3 best soundbites about you and your book
Discover the differences between a fiction and non-fiction interview